Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Letter To You.

Dear person who is going through a hard time,

I have no idea who you are. We could be best friends, enemies, lovers, acquaintances, or old lab partners. Whoever you are listen up. 

You’re going though a rough time in your life, and there is no one there to listen. Your boyfriend dumped you. You dumped your boyfriend . Your dad is leaving. Your mom has passed away. The girl you like hooked up with your best friend. You’re scared. You’re nervous. You’re moving away. The one you love is moving away. No one is around to tell you that everything is going to be okay, but no worries. I will be that person.

This goes to everyone who is having a terrible time. To everyone that doesn’t have anyone to talk to besides their meaningless blog and little brother who clearly is not paying any attention. To everyone who has lost hope in a matter of minutes, days, months, years. To everyone who is suffering from whatever may be wrong, we’re not alone! No one is completely alone. There is always someone who will listen to our sorrows. Time to let it out.Time to explain what’s going on, because we can make our lives better. We can make a change in our lifestyle. We can either look on the bright side or live it. Instead of hoping things will look up, why don’t we make it?

Make them listen. Forget the girlfriend. Try to understand what your parents are going through and be there for the person who isn’t leaving. May she rest in peace, but may you continue to be alive. Screw her and your best friend, and find people who won’t screw you over like that. Break the fear. Keep your head high. You’ll make new friends, take it as an experience. Keep in touch everyday and it’s like they never left. Tell yourself everything is going to be okay. 

We ourselves have the power to make our own lives better. We can make ourselves move on. We can comfort ourselves if no one else can. We all will get through our burdens. Unless we are holding ourselves back.

Dipesh (Relation as you wish)

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